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Coffee is not Good to Our Body  

Posted by Grace Labado-Orzal in ,

Coffee is not Good to Our Body
That's what I think, I also love drinking coffee before but when I felt that there's something happens inside my body I stopped drinking coffee.

Not just that, when I became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. One of the ordinances that we need to follow is the Words of Wisdom.

I remember how coffee addict I am before. I drink coffee I think almost three (3) times a day. I cannot eat without coffee even if the weather is so hot. I remember I used to feel like it is really hard for me to breath and makes me palpitate. It makes me think that my heart stops beating.

Everybody think that coffee has antioxidant, yes that's what they say. But still, it really makes me feel bad. It is almost two (2) years when I stopped drinking coffee and it makes me feel much better. I can easily breath and my heart can beat normally and I think that's because I stop drinking coffee.

I searched some of the bad effect of coffee in our body and here's what I found. Coffee can:

  • Shrink your breast
  • Can also cause hallucinations
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Anxiety
  • Panic Attacks
  • Fatigue
  • Stomachaches
  • High blood pressure / hypertension
  • Stress
  • Osteoporosis
  • Loss of Nutrients and many more....
Come to think of it, there are lots of Filipinos nowadays who loved drinking coffee thinking that it really has an antioxidant not knowing that they are being addicted to caffeine. It is known that caffeine is one of the most abused drugs all over the world. Intake of too much caffeine can really cause serious problems to your health.

On what I know, it is not bad to drink coffee but don't drink too much. Because as what the oldies says "Ang sobra ay nakakasama".

I am not saying this to ruined those coffee company. It is just me, how I feel and what's the effect in my body. ;)

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